I change some files on one of systems, some files are synced and copied to other Ubuntu, some other aren’t. After I ran comparison of ‘find . -type f | sort’ on both sides, I found 6 files missing on one system, 8 on another. That’s definitely not good.
How am I supposed to handle that, apart from copying/updating files manually every time?
Is it a command/way to force syncing files missing on Google Drive (or vice versa)?
I’ve given Version a try. Likewise, still not syncing my files, causing massive problems. Interface locks up and starts flashing. Still not useable, brand new Windows 10 instal…
I’d check those logs carefully. The /data/ ones contain a list of every file on your system and the file name, and I think the config.db (don’t remember now) has the oauth refresh token in it which I would suggest revoking and renewing if you sent it in.
I don’t honestly know. Step 1 will be revoke the existing oauth grant in Google Drive, but to make a new one for inSync without basically deleting and re-adding your account, inSync would probably have to comment.
It might be possible to use their alternate login method (you go to https://insynchq.com/auth and sign in and you get the new OAuth token) and manually inject that code into the DB where the old token was, but I don’t know OAuth or inSync in depth enough to know if inSync will care about the difference between an access token and a refresh token in that DB.
This is assuming the files you sent had the refresh token in them. I don’t know which of the files you actually sent in.
This issue was resolved for me in on Windows 10 Pro 1903. I believe I rebooted before testing. Insync is now auto syncing all files I create both in the cloud and uploaded to the cloud from other devices.
It’s possible the issue has only been resolved in Windows. Assuming the Ubuntu gui is the same, you can check to see if the setting is enabled. I posted a screenshot of it here if that helps: Items created in cloud don't auto sync locally - #11 by kyle
Thanks for response, @kyle - the mentioned setting is checked in Ubuntu client as well, but new files still aren’t copied from the cloud on either Ubuntu installations I use.
I don’t use Insync with Windows, so I can’t comment on that.