Target GD Folder from Insync Headless

Hi Insync,
I’m trying to sync some root-level local folders from my WSL instance with Insync headless, and would like to store them under a particular folder path in Google Drive e.g. (local) /home <-> My Drive/Stuff/WSL. How can I configure this? Thanks.

Let me check that out for you @markgsaye and I’ll update once I know more :slight_smile:

Hey @mia,
Did you manage to find a solution to this yet?

Hello @markgsaye!

My deepest apologies for not updating you sooner! Here is our engineer’s step-by-step:

If you want to sync the folder FOLDER A located in /some/path/FOLDER A

  1. Create a folder with the name FOLDER A in their google drive where they want FOLDER A to be synced
  2. In the selective-sync, make sure the newly created folder FOLDER A is unsynced
  3. While in selective-sync, highlight FOLDER A and press ctrl+S. This will bring up a menu on where you want to sync the folder. Based on our example here, choose the /some/path folder
  4. It should start syncing your local FOLDER A to the FOLDER A in the cloud drive.

Happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have here!