Good day.
I’m getting a lot an error:
“Token Invalid” and than i have to sign-in again to google account and re-allow the permissions to access my driver, this happend 3 times now,
everytime my computer locks screen, it looks like it revoke the token.
Also i would like some help, cause its been all night and only downloaded 24 GB, i might know what the possible issue is, but i’m not an expert in linux, altho i want to learn to use linux and the only way (or best) is to simply use it.
After i sign-in-again it says: Sync and show some downloads, but it doesnt download anything, take like 30 minutes and than download just a few files.
Like 200 GB should take 3 or 4 hours max…
im using linux debian 12 (bookworm)
update 2 date