Tray icon always grey

insync works as expected, but the tray icon is always grey, not white.
How can I fix this?
Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon.


Hello @Juergen! Does it have a green check beside it?

Hello Mia,

thnks for your reply. There is a check beside, but it is also grey. The whole icon is grey. All other icons are white.

Hi @Juergen, I see! That is expected; I apologize for any confusion here. You’d want to look at the green check instead as this indicates a completed sync status. :slight_smile:

what I expect is a white tray-icon with a green check as it’s on my other computers. The one on the Linux/Cinnamon Laptop is just grey.Bildschirmfoto vom 2025-01-25 15-43-10

Oh, I see! That indeed is unusual. Let me forward this to our engineers for investigation. Many thanks for attaching that screenshot!

@Juergen Hello! Our engineer said that it’s possibly caused by the theme you use on this machine, as we don’t have the grayed out icon with a checkmark in any of our UI/UX codes. :thinking:

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