Trouble configuring folders

I would like my GoogleDrive folders to remain as they are and left where they are. I’d like a new folder on GoogleDrive called “DesktopDocuments”. In DesktopDocuments, I’d like to sync it with my “Documents” folder (and subfolders) that are on my desktop.

How do I configure it this way?

Hi! You can use our 2-way Local Selective Sync (LSS) as shown here: (please scroll down to the “Local Selective Sync” section).

Hover on the 2-way LSS icon on the Insync app (found on the upper right). A pop-up window will show, then you can follow these steps:

  1. Via the pop-up, navigate to “Documents” folder on your desktop
  2. Choose “Merge the contents with a folder”
  3. Navigate to DesktopDocuments via your Insync app.
  4. Wait for the folder icon to turn blue. There will also be a folder path shown on the righthand side. The sync icon will then turn from a blue badge to a green check.

This would result to Documents being synced to DekstopDocuments, while keeping the rest of your directories on GoogleDrive as they are :slight_smile:

I"m not able to change what it’s doing.

I’d like to sync:
Local <–> Google Drive
/Documents <–> /DesktopDocuments

but what it’s done is:

Local <–> Google Drive
/Documents/DesktopDocuments <–> /DesktopDocuments

And I can’t seem to change it.

Hi @jrickards,

Could you unsync these folders, then delete the ~/Documents/DesktopDocuments? It shouldn’t delete what you have on Google Drive. Then, do the steps again, this time doing a 2-way LSS on ~/Documents and merging it with /DesktopDocuments on Google Drive (as described in my previous comment)

I did the first sentence and it automatically deleted the folder on my computer. However, the last sentence, when I selecte 2-way LSS and select /Documents on my desktop, it tells me that it is already being synced. So I go to the main Insync window and click the double-arrow circle (2-way sync) and select Merge … , when I select the /Documents on my desktop, it tells me that it is already being synced. If I can reset Insync so that nothing is synced and then rebuild it, that should work but unsyncing doesn’t change the status of /Documents.

Hi @jrickards,

I see. Perhaps what I can recommend is to remove your account then re-add it so you can start over with the steps to 2-way LSS /Documents and sync it with /DesktopDocuments. To know how to remove your account, visit this Help Article.