Upgrading from 1.5x to 3.0.15 Linux, keeping folders: 100% CPU load, all hangs, no progress

Sorry I wasn’t clearer about it!

We are currently investigating stuck syncing issues. Can you send us your logs as well along with the link to this post?

I’m using version 3 on Ubuntu 19.10 and it s a total disaster.

  • HIgh CPU usage and sync fails most of the time.
    How can I fix this ?

Hi @Karim_Latouche,

Are you on 3.0.27? If so, can you walk me through the setup and when you notice the high CPU usage? Is it when a large sync is happening or when Insync is idle?

Hi,Using latest 3 version from repo on ubuntu 19.10 .
Large sync has happened already but it seems some remaining files cannot make it.
i downgraded to 1.5 and it works like a charm.

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Hi @Karim_Latouche

Thank you for letting me know that 1.5 works well in your setup. Do you mind sending your logs to support@insynchq.com so we can investigate further?