What does the yellow tick icon mean?

A couple of my folders always have a yellow tick icon even though all the items below have green ticks. The causes all the folders above to have yellow ticks. What does this mean?


Hi! It means that you re-used an existing local folder as your sync location (Base Folder).

Here’s a little demo on what you can do to change it from yellow to green: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dj5-SSCi7Wk7xRKIUp2Sz-YW6Qi0fg0X/view?usp=sharing

Thanks. I tried what was on the video and while it does make it green it has gone yellow again.

The folder contains a file that gets locked when the application that uses it is open. Insync gives an error when it tries to synchronise the locked file. When I quit the app and tell Insync to retry, it clears the error but that seems to make then icon yellow again.

Hi @nop_head - what error are you seeing? is it a “WinError [32]” (assuming you’re on Windows)?

Please also send your logs.db and out.txt files to support@insynchq.com with the link to this post. Those 2 files can be found by following this guide: https://help.insynchq.com/en/articles/1834816-locating-the-log-files

When you retry the error, any chance that the file gets unsynced?

The application is a personal Wiki. It seems to lock its data files when it is open and Insync shows a red cross on the data directory while it is open. When it is closed and I hit retry it synchronises the directory and it goes green but the parent goes from red to yellow.

I thought the problem was with the lock file but today, since updating Insync, it seems to be with the data directory. The lock file gets deleted when wiki is closed. Googles backup and sync would also error while the wiki was open but recovered automatically as soon as I quit. I think it was just the lock file it had a problem with.

I have hit the report error button and uploaded a screenshot and the log files.

Hey! I see you’ve sent me the same details via email and I’ve responded to the thread asking if the locked file gets unsynced, but seems like you’ve answered it here that it does.

So we’re looking at the question of why it changes the parent folder from red to yellow even if it’s already synced all of the contents. May I know if you recall the parent having a green check from the first time you synced it? That may be a lead :slight_smile:

I can make it go green by following the procedure you linked to but it goes red and then yellow each time I change my wiki.

I can’t remember if it was green when I first synchronised this machine but I assume it was until I first edited my wiki.

I originally thought it was the lock file that was the problem but it seems to be the directory that is locked. When it is unlocked and I retry it does synchronise the files in it. Does the yellow icon mean it has switched to one way sync?

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@nop_head No - the yellow check isn’t an indication that a sync went from 2-way to 1-way (or vice versa).

Will have this checked further :slight_smile:

Since Insync updated itself to 3.7.3 this problem seems to be fixed, although I don’t see anything in the release notes.

Now, when my Wiki is open I still get a red icon because the files are locked. When I close it and retry the error goes and the icon goes to green. It would be nice it if auto retried, as Google backup and sync used to do.

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Hello, @nop_head!

It seems like the yellow checks were an after effect of a bigger bug where things were changed 1-way to 2-way sync. This bigger bug was caused by the unsync-delete behavior introduced in 3.6.1 (see here), which was improved in 3.7.3 as a setting instead.

I hope this tidbit helps! And noted on your feedback to auto-retry the red icon - let me see how we can tackle this!