Running headless on two Linux systems. Periodically “status” shows an error. The error is the above. I was under the impression that once authenticated, it would stay for essentially the life of the install. These systems are not rebooted and need to have files that they create get copied to the google drive as they are created as part of a workflow and backup system.
How do I set up the install such that it simply runs?
These systems were doing the same process with DropBox, but I am migrating to G Drive due to that storage spacing being included with the business hosting account, but it has required a new method of accessing the cloud storage vs the command line DropBox tools.
I will add that after this error, even though you press “1” to re-login, syncing seems to just stop. I have a backlog of files on my linux systems and though status says “syncing”, nothing is moving up to the cloud.
me@myserver:/InsyncRoot/HomeSeer$ insync-headless status
Accounts: (Google Drive)
Sync status: ERROR
(See insync-headless error list or insync-headless conflict list for details.)
me@myserver:/InsyncRoot/myserver$ insync-headless error list
1 - Your authentication token has expired. Please try logging in again.
Choose an error to resolve (1 - 1, 0 to quit): 1
1 - Login
Choose an option (1 - 1, 0 to cancel): 1
me@myserver:/InsyncRoot/myserver$ insync-headless status
Accounts: (Google Drive)
Sync status: SYNCING
…but nothing happens. I have tried stopping the service and restarting it, but still once this happens the only way I have gotten it to start syncing again is to uninstall, delete local files and start over.
Apologies for the troubles - this is a known issue that our engineers are continuously investigating. I have also responded to your email regarding this. Thank you!
I had to abandon Insync as it simple did not work for a server environment. I hope one day it does, but the issue I was having appears to have been discussed on these forums for three years.
I installed rclone and configured it to meet my needs.
Hello everyone! We are working on resolving this top priority issue as soon as possible. @Marbot Could you please send your logs.db and out.txt files to after quitting Insync?
Those 2 files should be in ~/.config/Insync. Thank you!
I hope they do get a robust headless implementation working. Though rclone will do the job, it is not a synchronization tool in the sense that you are cloning from or to a remote repository (though there is a sync option). It’s implementation is a bit more “you manage it” or automate it via shell scripts with your workflow (backups or file processing etc).
Hey everyone!
Are there any updates on this? I’m currently evaluating Insync for our company, but this issue is basically rendering it unusable. I’d gladly try some beta builds as well, because apart from this issue Insync looks really promising.
I’m also having this problem on a new install openSUSE Tumbleweed. I have 2 other computers with old installs with the same OS and Insync versions and they works fine.
Insync desktop v 3.8.4 50481
I get the “Your authentication token has expired” error
Regular authentication fails “Something went wrong”
I use the alternate login method which gives me the code.
pasting in Insync I get "xxxx@gmail.con is already being synced
Sync now works for anything between a few minutes to an hour
wash, rinse, repeat
Any help is appreciated, this issue is causing some major productivity problems.
Hello everyone! We’d like to ask the affected Desktop users to please follow these steps as a temporary workaround while we continue to work on the fix:
Remove the affected account. To know how to remove your account, visit this Help Article.
@mia, thanks for the workaround, however I’m not willing to remove access from Google as Insync is running on 2 other computer and I’m afraid If I remove access I will not be able to login using those computers as well.
Is there a way around this?
Same problems here. Everything works for a while, then start getting messages like this:
insync-headless error list;
1 - Your authentication token has expired. Please try logging in again.
Choose an error to resolve (1 - 1, 0 to quit): 1
1 - Login
Choose an option (1 - 1, 0 to cancel): 1
I appreciate that you tried the workaround. Could you send me your latest set of logs.db and out.txt files please? You may email them to Thank you!
Yes @mia , I have 2 computers with old Insync installs that are running fine. I’m worried that if de-authenticate those computer I’d have the same problem with them as well. It’s the 3rd “new” computer that I’m having problems with. All computers are running openSUSE Tumbleweed and are updated daily. They also all run the same Insync version
@abadr I see! Thank you for sharing this important detail. Allow me to inquire with our engineers regarding this first. Could you email the log files from each computer? Please include the following:
If they’re too big as an email attachment, you may upload them to the cloud and send me a shared link to download.