YUM repository not working for OpenSuSE Tumbleweed

On a fresh OpenSuSE Tumbleweed Installation, I can’t install Insync from the YUM repo.

It says that Zypper could not build the cache and it is ignoring Insync repo because it could not find valid metadata on the specified URL

Erro ao construir o cache:
[insync|http://yum.insync.io/opensuse-tumbleweed/rolling/] Metadados válidos não encontrados na URL especificada
 - [|] Erro ao tentar ler de 'http://yum.insync.io/opensuse-tumbleweed/rolling/'

Aviso: Ignorando o repositório 'insync repo' devido ao erro acima.
Alguns dos repositórios não foram atualizados devido a um erro.

Also, I can’t install the Dolphin integrations via RPM because there are unmet dependencies for the icons package (insync-emblem-icons).

Do you have a separate RPM for that, so I can download it and install it manually?

Thank you.

What should I do?

The repository-related issues have been reported to our engineers. Please expect a fix within 24-48 hours. In the meantime, you can download the Fedora 38 build from https://www.insynchq.com/downloads/linux.

Thank you!
