Bandwith limiting when uploading

I can’t believe after 7 years of promising this feature, you still haven’t delivered it. Unbelievable.

My router is actually crashing because Insync generates so many requests when syncing just 2 Google Drive and 1 OneDrive account.

Hello, @stralytic.

It’s frustrating to keep running into these crashing issues with a paid software without assurance on when your feature requests would be put in the pipeline.

Our engineers are prioritizing reliability improvements that would address how Insync utilizes available resources to prevent these performance issues. We will keep our community updated once I have more information on its progress + development.

Well I tried this because I a) have to restore from an online backup source and b) have to upload this data on Google Drive. It would be nice if Insync woudn’t slow down my uploads - I got a minimum 250/40MBit (which is currently running as 292/46MBit) line and my restore job drops until ~5MB/s, which is a mess.

Using trickle and trickle -s -u 4096 insync start will cause Insync to be completely blind:

Trickle OFF:

Tricke ON:

The thing is that because the ISP somewhat allows you to use either your upload or download pipe, a lack of streams or throttle speed results in my internet going down when my InSync client is using the whole bandwidth. You have had this complaint since 2015, and now it’s 2023. Are you ever going to implement either stream number control or throttle? If so, could you at least give us an idea? It’s been 8 years for some who wait for it. I think 8 years is a reasonable time to fix such issues. It’s as if my internet goes down whenever an upload happens, and that’s bad experience with the software.