Cannot add folder to backup

@llybin Thank you for reaching out. Yes, one of the discovered causes of this issue is due to encrypted partitions. This is a known limitation of the Backup feature; I have raised this to our Linux and Product Teams for future development.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I would be happy to assist!

Thanks for answer.
I’m thinking about purchase, probably interested in backup. When backup will fixed, will I can to try it and upgrade licence from SYNC ONLY?

Yes, you can @llybin :slight_smile:

I’ve still the same problem on elementary OS 6.1 (Ubuntu 20.04). I’ve a default installation without LUKS.

Hi @watching_cat! Yes, indeed there have been some discrepancies on the issue (including your case) not related to LUKS partition. Could you send the following to

  • output of df -h
  • the exact path you tried to backup previously (during our email exchanges)
  • the link to this forums post (for easy reference)

I will collaborate with our engineers to see where this is currently at in our pipeline. I appreciate your

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Done. But keep in mind that the screenshot above should already show local folders for selection, but is showing nothing. Also, you cannot add any folder - it just says that it’s outside the device. So my guess is that it’s getting confused as soon there’s any kind of lvm/encryption etc. going on.

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Hi @mia, anything new on this topic? :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey @watching_cat! I’ll consult with our engineers where this is currently at in their pipeline so I can give you (and other users) a better idea.

Thank you for your patience!

I try to test on Backup trial. I still have this issue now.
I use Fedora 37 and Insync I’m sure that the partition is not encrypted but it seems a LVM partition.
If it’s true, how could I backup the folders via Insync Backup?

Hi Richard,

Could you send the output of df -h to with the link to this post?

Hi Mia,

I’ve sent my ‘df -h’ to Insync Support. It should be a issue for LVM partition.
Maybe I just need Solo Sync to manage my data between local and cloud in Linux.

I will replace my ssd drive of my laptop next week.

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Hi! 9 months have passed since the report of this issue and it seems like no progress has
been made.
I purchased an
Insync Personal Lifetime License yesterday and the backup feature of Insync is essential for me.

My computer runs on Ubuntu 22.10 Kinetic Kudu. I also use LVM with LUKS encryption on my disk.

Is there any workaround to get around this issue? Has anyone managed to solve this problem on their own?

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Hi @manarinian

Sorry for the inconvenience. We are currently investigating this issue and will push out a fix soon

Hi Kurt, the inconvenience is still there. Are you actually investigating anything? As a paying user I feel that I am not getting the full attention that I and many other users deserve …

Hi @Martin_Bodlak

We released a fix for this in version v3.8.5. Are you still experiencing this issue while on v3.8.5+?

Yes, here is my storage setup:

I cannot add anything from the Samsung drive, but now I found I can add folders from /dev/dm-1. Is this intended behavior?

Hi @Martin_Bodlak

Not the intended behavior, you should be able to add folders from the Samsung drive as well

Just to confirm, the Samsung is mounted?

Could you send us the output of df -h? and can you tell us more about the setup of that Samsung drive (filesystem type)?

I have a very standard Ubuntu filesystem (physical SDD Samsumg 500 GB with LVM and LUKS for full disk encryption).

Filesystem Size Used Free Use% Mount point
tmpfs 777M 2,1M 775M 1% /run
/dev/mapper/vgubuntu-root 454G 104G 327G 25% /
tmpfs 3,8G 16M 3,8G 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5,0M 12K 5,0M 1% /run/lock
/dev/sda2 1,7G 297M 1,3G 20% /boot
/dev/sda1 511M 6,1M 505M 2% /boot/efi
tmpfs 777M 4,7M 772M 1% /run/user/1000

Hi @Martin_Bodlak

Upon re-examining, I believe in your setup the Samsung drive shouldn’t have any selectable folders since it doesn’t contain eligible mounted folders. In a default Ubuntu setup (with LVM + encryption) only /boot and /boot/efi are mounted; an additional encrypted partition (LUKS) is created and in Linux, when decrypted it is seen as a separate device. If you do have an additional partition in your Samsung drive that is mounted to your filesystem, it should appear in the Select folders... menu for the Samsung drive

I noticed that the used value is wrong for /dev/dm-1, we will fix this in the next release

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Hi @Kurt_Ko, thanks for promise to fix stuff.

One more comment slash question… when I select folder(s) from the /dev/dm-1, the root folder is my $HOME. But it means that I cannot select “the whole home folder” because it is simply not in the list (of course, only home subfolders are in the list). I see the point here, the home folder contains the folder(s) to which cloud folders are syncing, including the whole (in my case) OneDrive. But it would be better if I could select “the whole home” from which some folders would have to be excluded.