I do not think the community can solve these, this is an Insync issue, that needs the highest of developer resource to solve, in fact maybe the CEO needs to get in on this one.
So I put it here to advise everyone, because this issue has not been getting any attention from support and developers.
Every-time the App is started it rescans every single file and folder for changes. This may seem harmless but it is a machine killer.
If you pause the app and then restart it, it restarts from the beginning again and rescans everything. Then that is not “Pause” that is a “Stop, and restart”
The longer the App is open the more and more memory it uses up, until it get so high my Mac slows. For me the other day it reached 15GB even though my Mac had not be restarted for about 3 days.
everytime you touch your finder its memory usage goes up. This is quite dodgy.
Lets think about 15GB, that is 15 Billion Bytes of information, WHY?
No, there is no reason why, this problem comes down to poor development.
Once Insync has done a scan there is no valid reason for memory to grow unless new files are being added to the file system.
Insync, explain why you need to use 15GB of my Ram.
do not ask for my logs surely this is happening to everyone, please prove that it is not.
I currently have an M1 Mac and so you maybe yet to move over to the proper Apple File Streaming API like Apple has advise years ago.
or maybe this app always had memory leakage, well yes it did, because this was just the same on my intel based Mac.
Insync you must sort this out as a priority, you cannot expect to get funding from people when you have such critically faulty architecture, and App design.
Lets gets some dialogue going on this, to see how many people it affects.
The memory leak issue has plagued many of our users in the last couple of years but the consistency of replicability has been quite low which is why we continuously revisit the issue. Initially, we had some wins when we tackled the Time Machine lead (discussion here), but unfortunately the issue persisted after we released that build, leading us back on the drawing board.
As for the re-scans, a user has pointed that out too on this Forums thread and this introduced an internal discussion with our team. We see how valuable and efficient it would be to make improvements on this particular behavior.
I appreciate you @Jamie_Browning for continuously using your voice to express your concerns and offer feedback to help us move towards the path that puts our Insync community’s best interests in mind.
No worries, I want these products to help us all, without slowing us down.
Today Insync is using 30.94GB, with 30.83GB being compressed.
I did do a fair amount of file creation today and hence created new projects.
but lucky if I added 2MB of files.
It looks like the more I grow my storage the faster Insync uses ram after restart. This is not ideal.
Do know that I am more than happy to do video screen share to work on the issue with an engineer. But I will not send in full logs, only snippets.
@Jamie_Browning What I’m seeing on my machines is Insync memory usage increasing when any data transfer is done to or from the affected machine. Simply downloading a large file or performing a large network data transfer seems to affect Insync’s memory usage. It seems the Time Machine observation is just symptom of this larger issue. That was easy to identify since the Time Machine data transfers happen at regular and predictable intervals.
I fixed memory overuse on Linux with cgroups( in this post), but OSX kernel doesn’t support cgroups. So the best you can do it is to use insync with chroot
Hi Alexandre,
Can you elaborate more about how to use chroot to prevent Insync from blowing out the memory.
Keen to do a search to find the right type of solution for MacOS
Also what is interesting is Insync is not taking any interest in solving this problem.
I am willing to provide screen sharing and give good access to my machine,
But Insync take no interest.
Could you please try out the newest build here? Our Mac Team has been busy working on this universal Mac build that runs on Intel and Apple Silicon, which aims to solve the long-standing issue on memory leaks.
Same problem here on an older MacBook Air with only 8Gb of RAM. It sucks out 5.3Gb of RAM doing nothing in the background, like it won’t release the RAM after it’s done the heavy work at startup. I’ve got Monterey installed as well but the machine is one of the ones still on Intel.
I believe it was syncing quite a large amount of data as I had added new folders of music files to my cloud storage which wanted to sync on the MacBook when I logged in. However, I unsynced them as soon as I realised what was happening. The computer continued to remain unresponsive which caused me to launch the activity monitor to see what was crippling the machine. I saw Insync was hogging 5.3Gb of the RAM, even though all the syncing activity had stopped. I shut down Insync and restarted it again but still, it held onto that 5.3Gb of RAM. A reboot freed the RAM and Insync went back to a healthy level of RAM usage.
It hasn’t done this behaviour over the last couple of days, but I haven’t really used the Mac much and I haven’t added any large files or made any huge changes to my cloud storage over the weekend. Hopefully the logs will help to try and work out why it wouldn’t give up the RAM.
Thank you for walking me through what happened! I’ll send your log files to our team to investigate why the RAM didn’t go down when you unsynced files and shut down + restarted Insync.