Same problem on Linux 18.3. The worst part of this for me is that I solved the issue by going back to 1.5.7 and then didn’t keep an eye on a recent Linux update that put 3.0 back on my system. Ugh! Insync’s support seems very nice and I’m very appreciative of anyone who builds for Linux. That said, they’ve asked for our log files via email and on the forums which contain file names. Perhaps this isn’t a great practice on my part, but some of my file names contain personal information so that I can easily search them later. I can’t imagine I’m the only one who does that and Insync support shouldn’t be asking for it without letting us know the risk it could potentially pose to our personal information. I cut and paste excerpts from the log file regarding the ModifyCloudReg error in an email and in this forum 23 hours ago, but have yet to hear back.