- Why do you need Insync headless?
I use Insync to synchronise (via Google Drive) my laptop and my server. I can update files on the server (e.g. running scripts to process documents) and have the output appear on the laptop. It also allows me to protect myself against stupidity (deleting contents of a file for example) by having an (rdiff-backup) versioned archive of the Google Drive contents.
I run it in a docker-compose container that uses “insync-headless accept_all_new_shares” to make sure everything is saved on the server.
- What is your workaround without Insync headless?
Keep using the old version and pray that the Google API doesn’t change and cause it to break.
- What features/behavior would make Insync 3 headless better than Insync 1.5 headless?
Nothing significant, although a simple docker container published on the docker hub would be nice. It could use docker-compose to provide (one or more) destination folders for each account and an easy way to sort out the authentication when initially installed.
Oh and a non-returning version (i.e. one that doesn’t fork from shell process) that copes with multiple accounts would be nice. My run script currently has to do this:
insync-headless accept_all_new_shares first@account.com
insync-headless accept_all_new_shares second@account.com
PID=$(pgrep insync-headless)
while [ -e /proc/${PID} ]
sleep 5
It would be nicer if it was just:
insync-headless --accept-all-new-shares --all-accounts
- Would you prefer to have Insync 3 headless as a separate product or integrated into the GUI?
Separate product. I don’t want to have to install X libraries on the server.
- What platform(s) do you need Insync headless to work?
Ubuntu server LTS probably, although any distribution that is available on docker hub would be fine as that can run inside Ubuntu server. My current container is based on phusion/baseimage:0.11.