FEEDBACK WANTED: Insync 3 headless

Hi @philnc,

Could you walk me through the steps you took that ended with your files not syncing? Please also send your logs.db and out.txt files to with the link to this post (so we can trace the original post).

I would like to forward this to our Linux team for further investigation.

Hi @wwcsig @abudden!

I’m curious-- where did you find the $121 pricing? For reference, our Insync 3 Headless pricing can be found here.

Hi @mia,

I found it at the link you sent:


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@abudden Gotcha-- misread your post as $121, my bad there. In that case, I’ll forward this feedback to our team :slight_smile:

$160/year is just too much for personal use. Please keep in mind that custom domains for google workplace are also popular for non-commercial usage.

perhaps we can consider adding a non-commercial usage plan (custom domains) for cases like personal domains and the like?


yes please, much appreciated.

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