HiDPI / Retina displays and Insync version 1.2.3

@Michal_Mlejnek: How did you enable scaling in your desktop? Did you change the scale value in the Display settings: http://i.stack.imgur.com/rK9ep.png? What is the value in your case?

@EWal: Scaling is only supported on GNOME based desktop environments currently, apologies. The org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor value in gsettings is the one used by GNOME, so it’s not a new scaling setting.

Yes I enabled the scaling and in my case its 1.5

I also have the same problem. The scaling-factor for me is 2. But insync does not seems to honor it


@Michal_Mlejnek: I see. Currently Insync only scales in whole number steps (x2, x3, etc.). Since your scaling value is 1.5 it’s rounded down to 1. This will be changed in a future release.

@Valerio_Mariani: What Linux distribution and version are you using, and what desktop environment?

I tried with: Unity on Ubuntu 16.04 and Gnome 3.18 on Fedora 23

Thanks for looking into this

@Valerio_Mariani: How did you set the scaling factor in Fedora 23?

I’m also hitting this issue with the Cinnamon desktop environment, Most other applications just work - I didn’t have to change any settings either in Cinnamon or my applications. But insync is tiny :thumbsdown:

What toolkit is Insync written with? e.g. QT5? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HiDPI#GUI_toolkits

@Tom_Denham: Insync uses PySide and Qt 4. HiDPI is currently supported in Unity and GNOME. Please try running the following commands to check if Cinnamon can also be supported:

gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor
gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor
gsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings Gdk/WindowScalingFactor

This is still not fixed (3 years later). What can we do? I run gnome and all apps look good except for insync. The output of gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor in my case is uint32 0 which means “automatic scaling”. You should use something like gdk_screen_get_monitor_scale_factor to get the actual factor and not rely on that property.

+1 for HiDPI support. InSync is the only app on Gnome that doesn’t scale properly. I won’t hold my breath, as it appears this issue has been noted for many years, but wanted to add another request.

+1 for HiDPI support. Any news here ?

+1 for HiDPI support (a couple months later). This is still not properly working.

+1 for HiDPI support - using DELL XPS 13 with 3200 x 1800 screen - pretty much unusable

@cbernard333 @falconapps Hey guys, what’s your OS version?

Rest assured the HiDPI fix will be released soon so we can put this to rest. :slight_smile:

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Ubuntu 18.0.1 (standard Ubuntu)

@falconapps Our engineer’s working on this. I’ll keep you guys posted once the build’s ready. :slight_smile:

Just add variables QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1 QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=0.5 to /usr/bin/insync and /usr/bin/insync-headless:
cd /usr/lib/insync
Now it looks normal.


any news about this features?

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HiDPI support is in the works :wink:

thanks, this actually fixes it!

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