Incompatible with MacOS Monterey 12.3? (with workaround)

I just updated to Monterey 12.3, and InSync appears to be unable to monitor changes in local files. This, of course, makes it pretty useless, as file sync works in only one direction.

I found the following in the MacOS 12.3 release notes, which sounds like there may be a breaking change that affects InSync:

The kernel extensions used by Dropbox Desktop Application and Microsoft OneDrive are no longer available. Both service providers have replacements for this functionality; Dropbox is currently in beta. (85890896)

Does anyone have any experience with this, and can you confirm that InSync is, indeed, broken by this MacOS change?


Hello, @monterey! :slight_smile: Thanks for reaching out about this, and my apologies for the trouble.

When you said “unable to monitor changes in local files”, am I understanding that a local-to-cloud sync is not working as expected? If so, could you please send the following to

  • logs.db
  • out.txt file
  • An example of a file/folder affected in this particular issue

The first two files can be located via this guide. Thank you!

Hello again @monterey! Please disregard - I saw that you’ve already emailed your log files. Thank you!

Same issue with me. I have to manually pause/unpause the app or restart it altogether in order for it to notice any changes in the monitored directories.

Happens on 2 different macs, one running the latest 12.3, the other 12.1, so I don’t think it has anything to do with the OSX update.

Both running v3.7.4.50336 of inSync.

To be clear, my expected (and previously working) workflow is as follows:

  • Mac 1 adds file to local google drive, inSync detects, uploads to GCloud
  • Mac 2 inSync detects file in GCloud, copies it to local Google Drive
  • file is processed on Mac 2 and removed from local drive, inSync detects and removes from GCloud
  • Mac 1 inSync detects file deletion in GCloud and removes it from local directory

What is happening now is at no time is inSync detecting the addition or removal of a file, either locally or remotely. I have to manually pause or unpause it to trigger a scan and then it detects it that once, and acts properly. Just that once.

Every time it is expected to detect a change, locally or remotely, it needs to be kicked in the head.

This is the behavior I’m seeing, too.

Unfortunately I did the upgrade to Monterey around the same time as the latest InSync update was pushed out, so I don’t know which one was the cause.

I only noticed the issue after I started having sync issues with files that should have been uploaded from the Mac InSync client (but weren’t).

@jeffg @monterey I’ve been trying to replicate this issue but haven’t been successful so far - using macOS 12.3 and Insync 3.7.4.

Some questions that could help us troubleshoot this issue further:

  1. Did you install Insync on an earlier version of macOS, then subsequently updated to Monterey? Was Insync working before the macOS upgrade?
  2. Does downgrading Insync to 3.7.3 - New Insync version: 3.7.3 - #2 - resolve the issue? Does upgrading back to 3.7.4 bring the issue back?

Finally, here is a possible workaround. (This unloads the isdaemon helper process that provides filesystem events to Insync.)

  1. Quit Insync.
  2. Open
  3. Copy-paste the following, press Enter, and enter your password:

    sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.insynchq.insync.daemon.plist

  4. Same thing with this second command:

    sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.insynchq.insync.daemon.plist

  5. Run Insync - it should ask for your password to re-install isdaemon.
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I’m afraid I’m unable to provide more info, as I’m not sure exactly when InSync updated itself and whether syncing was working before I moved up to MacOS version 12.3. I’ve also changed to a different sync solution for the time being, and I uninstalled InSync.

Perhaps @jeffg will be able to test your suggested solution on one of his two systems.

I’ve installed insync many versions ago and it self-updates. I can’t remember if I installed OSX 12.3 before or after the latest insync upgrade.

That being said, I deleted and re-installed insync on both machines and it didn’t help.

I then ran the 2 commands you suggested, and it seems to have worked.

Everything seems to be back working again, with the latest version. Thanks!


Just an update: we have been able to pinpoint the cause of this issue, and it will be fixed automatically in the next version, 3.7.5, which we are working to get tested and ready for public release ASAP.



App - Version (
OS Monterey 12.3

Following this procedure fixed the problem for me.

Hi all!

The fix to this issue is available here: New Insync version: 3.7.5

Please note that this is an early Forums release, but we will push the build on our downloads page soon. Thank you!