Insync 3: Bugs and issues

There is some discussion that this may be solved in the latest version but you should add the issue of failure to automatically sync files and folders to local machines when they are created in, or uploaded by another machine to, the cloud root directory. Seems to affect gdrive and onedrive, windows, mac, and likely linux. Windows thread, Mac thread

Also, there should be a list of yet to be implemented features that really should be implemented to consider this a fully functional version. Such as:

  • missing/non-functional context menu items
  • non-functional stats tab
  • non-functional activity tab
  • missing progress tab. In 1.5.x the activity tab logged file changes and there was a progress tab that showed the status of files being uploaded and downloaded. This seems to be missing in 3.0.x
  • missing/non-functional symlink sync functionality akin to 1.5.x functionality

All of these are present in windows version. I’m assuming other OS but need to be confirmed.

edit: added missing symlink functionality previously working in 1.5.x