Insync badges guide

These badges indicate the status of your Insync:

  • The blue badge with “:repeat:” on your Insync icon means Insync is currently syncing, you check how many files are still syncing in your app window

If the badge is on a folder, it means the folder is still syncing

  • The green badge with “:white_check_mark:” in your Insync icon means that your files have already synced

The badge on the folder indicates it has fully synced

  • The blue badge with “:bust_in_silhouette:” in on your Insync icon means you have INCOMING SHARES, you can access this via the app window

In Windows, you can see if a folder is shared if it has the :busts_in_silhouette: image:

  • The red badge with “:exclamation:” on your Insync icon means you have pending actions required, you can resolve this by opening the app window

  • The red badge with “:x:” on your Insync icon means you have errors on your app, you can access this through the app window