In windows 10, My app was uptaded from to, now I can’t open it, don’t show the interface ( I reinstalled 40739 version and work ok), I have 5 PC with different hardware and all the same issue. SOLVE URGENT please!
The issues I am reporting since more than a year still exist: does not sync all files. It’s not some cosmetic nuance but the very core functionality of your software.
Always have to open the App GUI and browse to where I know folders are missing. Suddenly the software then re-syncs the structure from cloud to local. Also it always keeps showing the blue sync icon for several team drives. Never go green.
I often see your request “Could you send your logs.db, out.txt, and settings.db to with the link to this post?” => can you please integrate this as a one- or two-click action into the app? Would make your and our life so much easier.
Sorry, for the dealy, this Covid 19 crisis is really causing me a lot of issues.
No I have NOT tried it, and doubt I ever will. I need for Insync 3.X to obey symlinks the way 1.5 does. Without any intervention, because I create and remove symlinks regularly. In Insync 1.5X it just works.I simply want ALL the stuff in my Google Drive to be copied correctly - even symlinks.
Until 3.x does this I can never even try it again. This is a feature that needs to happen.
If you want to remove files locally, you may do so by clicking “Unsync” on the app. Did you want to achieve the other way (remove cloud copy but retain local copy)?