Pre-load sync folder before first sync

In the next month or so I will be wiping my computer and doing a fresh install of Ubuntu. I have Insync currently working absolutely fine with my Google account … my question is, when I restore my backed-up data after the fresh install, I will already have a local copy of all my Google Drive files. Will Insync correctly recognise that fact, or will it try to upload all my data as new files?

I just want to avoid getting duplicate files, but would like to save time on the initial sync if previous local copies will sync correctly.

It should, just as long as the former database file is in place, if any issues come up as you do this, send us an email over to :slight_smile:

OK, that sounds like it will work well then :slight_smile:

Following on from that—where is the database file located? Would it be possible to copy both that and the local copy of Google Drive to another computer and save having to download everything on that computer?

@davethemoviejunkie sorry for the late reply, you can refer to this how-to to locate the db file: How to find the log files

That should work, if any issues come up, please let us know :slight_smile: