I had a few hundred of these errors nested deeply in folder structures. Which made it impractical to rename by hand.
I wrote a small python script that changes the file extension to something else. I’d wait for it to sync the changed files, then rename them back. In this way I was able to rename them all in just a few minutes. Here is the script, You will need to change parts to make it relevant to your situation and the particular errors you are getting.
import os, os.path
DIR = '/home/me/me@gmail.com'
OLD_EXT = '.gdmap'
NEW_EXT = '.gdmap1'
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(DIR):
for file in files:
if file.lower().endswith(OLD_EXT):
base_file, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
new_filename = os.path.join(root, base_file + NEW_EXT)
os.rename(os.path.join(root, file), new_filename)
Change DIR to your isync directory, change OLD_EXT to one of the extensions you are having issues with, and change NEW_EXT to a temporary extension I just added 1 to the end.
Save the file as a python file and run it. For example if you called the file rename.py you would run it like this:
python3 rename.py
You will need python 3 installed, or the script is pretty easy to modify to run on 2.* variants of python.
This will output to your terminal all the files it is changing. Like I said run it, let it sync. A bunch of your errors should go away, then swap OLD_EXT and NEW_EXT so it is looking for your renamed file extensions and have it change them back.
Worked very well for me. Good luck!