I get conflicts for “a local [edit/delete] happened at the same time as a cloud [edit/delete]” all the time, and it seems hard to believe that these conflicts really do happen at the same time. Is there a time threshold where Insync treats two close events as happening at the same time? Is it the same minute? within 5 minutes? within 10 minutes?
Hi @Drakinite! Valid points and questions raised here. Let me check this out with our engineers and get more insight on the feature.
Furthermore, could you also send your latest logs.db to me (support@insynchq.com) and link this post? Please also include an example of an affected file that had the conflict so we can refer to this when checking your logs - this would also help us align the information (from our engineers + the logs) to give more context on the topic.
We do not have a time threshold when checking conflicts. As long as there are pending changes in the cloud while we try to sync/upload local changes, Insync considers it as conflict. The rationale behind this is that we do not know for sure if the later changes are the intended changes, especially when the file is collaborated within a team.
I have filed the feature request to improve conflict resolution.
I see, that rationale does make sense. Thank you for getting back to me and for sending the conflict resolution request to the team.
Apologies for not sending you my logs.db – I actually didn’t see your reply until I checked my email a few hours ago. I assume you don’t still need it?