Some files appears in trash

Is anyone else “suffering” from:

  • not finding particular file in its folder
  • and finding that file is in trash?

Without previous removing / delete.

It didn’t happen on Windows earlier. It happens on macOS quite often.
And. I can tell you. It’s no fun.

hi! for such cases, please send your log files to for investigation

here’s How to retrieve lost or deleted files

Sent now.
Thanks for resolution.

YES! I suffered from the same problem.

Not fun at all with about 70.000 files in the cloud. Problem was about a month ago, Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6 and latest Insync.

Hope it doesn’t com back!

Hey @Anders_Rosenknut!

If you’re experiencing any problem like this, kindly send your log files to for investigation. :slight_smile: