Unexpected error doing AddCloudGDItem: (56, '')

Since recently, I get the following errors while syncing (uploading) files with my Google Drive account:

Unexpected error doing AddCloudGDItem: (56, ‘’)

I’m using Insync version on Windows 10. Everytime I click “Retry all”, uploads resume, and fail soon thereafter again.

I already tried removing and re-adding my account in Insync, but this does not help.

Is this a know bug? If so, when can I expect a fix? It makes the program pretty useless right now…

Hi @timovanroermund,

Is this the complete error message? Is there a file in particular that doesn’t seem to be uploading and if so, may I know what file type this is?

Furthermore, are you uploading it to your My Drive folder?

Yes, this is the complete error in the GUI. See also the attached screenshot.

The error appears with different file types, including as a .jpeg (2MB), an .exe (58MB) and an MP4 (94MB) file. I copied these to my (local) My Drive folder, and Insync tries to upload them to Google Drive and then the error occurs.

I will send the log files to logs (logs.db, out.txt) to support@insynchq.com.

I also just updated to the New Insync version: 3.0.28, but the errors remain.

Is there any update on this? Insync is completely useless for me, right now…

Hi @timovanroermund,

I believe you had a brief exchange with @mara via email. She has already reported this to our engineers and we’re waiting for their advise.

At the moment, could you try to upload those files via My Drive web instead of locally? Insync will try to download them instead of uploading. Let me know if this works-- it would help us narrow down the issue if it’s only an upload problem.

Thank you!

Uploading via the Google Drive works perfectly. And Insync also downloads the files afterwards without errors. So yes, this is an upload error only.

Hi @timovanroermund,

Thank you for trying it out for me! I have included this in our report and will update you accordingly!

This issue is still present in New Insync version: 3.0.29… any idea when I can expect a bug fix?

This is REALLY annoying. When uploading ANY file (unless it’s a very small one, say < 1MB), I get this error. The only workaround it to manually sync via the web interface of Google Drive, which completely defeats the purpose of this program (and why I bought it in the first place).

Can you provide an indication when this gets resolved, please…?

@mia: can you please provide an update? The issue is still present in New Insync version: 3.0.30… so when can I expect a fix?

It’s been 6 weeks without any meaningful update…


By the way, the latest version finally gives a (minimal) clue on the error:

“Send failure: connection was aborted”