Update: free Prime promo and upgrade paths

@terpua Thanks for clarifying that converted Insync Pro to Plus users (before october 22, 2013) can request a refund. That’s very kind and I’ll gladly accept your offer.

Would it be an idea to add this to your the last post so that this is also clarified to other first-time users? Update 2: free Prime promo and upgrade paths

Once the upgrade page is available and you upgrade to Prime, email support and they will refund you.

Well I admit I’m just totally confused. I’ve seen all the emails and the explanations and re-explanations and still have no idea what is going on or how it will affect me. So my solution is to sit tight and see if Insync stops working, or doesn’t. I’ll try to figure out what to do when/if something changes.
Not so sure I want to be paying for something that’s called a simplification but can’t be explained simply. (30% off, free, plus, pro, prime, GApps, 3rd party. Simple? Really?)


They should have worked that out long ago. I paid for this service for unlimited time - that was the agreement. Why am I supposed to start paying now? This should only apply to new customers. Anyway, the main problem is the lack of clarity. I personally don’t know whether I’m supposed to pay now or not, and what will happen to my account. I would actually be willing to pay a little if the “shared syncs” spamming stopped.

Subscription Canceled.

What is going on now. This thread is a disaster. No clear information whatsoever. I have Insync Plus (unlimited life time) since 2015. How can they take this away from me/us??

I bought a Plus account for about 25usd some weeks ago.

Will I get a second account (for my second google account) now for free? and if so, what do I have to do to get it?

Very confusing… If I get something for free I’ll take it, but please tell me how :wink:

Will someone please reply? Your latest email trying to explain what the upgrade was about, including a “Compare” feature, is not clear.

The comparison is between the existing Pro (or Plus no idea which one) version and the new version you’re offering called Prime. However when I joined you guys the option was different and even your page says my licence may not be the one shown on the comparison table.

What on earth is going on? I have absolutely zero idea what’s best for me… Should I stay or should I upgrade? Or should I go? Can someone clarify please and get this right once and for all?

– Another confused customer.

Updates? I’m not purchasing an updated license until it is clear what is going on. I will also cancel if no clear, proper description and comparison is provided between the new license/pricing model and original.

– ???

Hi guys. We released a new license called Prime which is $29.99 and includes all future version upgrades (1.x to 2.x and beyond). For customers still on Plus, Pro or Business: Gmail accounts are upgradeable to Prime for free while GApps/GSuite accounts can upgrade at 30% off (= $20.99 per account)


  • Depending on what license you’re on, upgrading to Prime would have different benefits.
  • “Gmail accounts” refer to accounts ending with @gmail.com
  • “GApps/GSuite accounts” refer to accounts resembling "name@company.com"
  • Plus-licensed accounts that are Gmail have automatically been upgrade to Prime (don’t have to do anything)

To check your license: How to check your license type

Benefit of upgrading from Plus to Prime:
Insync Plus comes with updates within Insync version 1.x only. Upgrading to Prime would give you access to all future Insync versions

If you’re on Plus and would like to see Insync 2.0 before deciding to upgrade – you’re free to do so :slight_smile: The upgrade offer won’t expire.

Benefit of upgrading from Pro to Prime:
Both Pro and Prime include all future version upgrades (1.x to 2.x and beyond). So the benefit of Prime is the one-time price vs. the annual subscription fee of Pro. If you upgrade to Prime, you will no longer be charged annually for your account.

Is upgrading required? No. You can stay on your current license (do nothing) and continue to use Insync as is.

@sbla @jasonwaler

Thanks for the info @gio .

What is the release date for v2.0?

We don’t have a specific date but it will be sometime this year.

Apparently everyone who was eligible to Prime has been upgraded for free now, at least I got an email about it. Is there an official announcement?

we sent an announcement email to all customers still on a Plus, Pro or Business license. Gmail accounts (ending "@gmail.com") are upgradeable to Prime for free while GApps/GSuite (name@company.com) accounts get 30% off. Upgrading is not required.

What is the most frustrating, I think, is the split in who was offered the free upgrade. I had Plus, so would have had to pay for 2.0 anyway. But because I chose to use a GApps address with Insync instead of using Gmail directly, I don’t get the free upgrade offer. Not everyone using GApps is a corporation.

In hindsight, it was stupid to use a GApps address, but there’s no way I could have known that because Insync made no differentiation between the two until you launched Prime. So I’m punished for that decision. It doesn’t feel good.

It definitely wasn’t our intention for anyone to feel punished. To quote our CEO:

My understanding is that the so-called “free” trial means that when it ends, I have to cough up again.

I emailed your support staff on January 3rd to inquire about the status of my accounts. I have YET to hear anything back.

I have three gmail accounts. One gmail, two gapps. I paid for pro LONG ago, and I have paid a subscription model on top of that. Now you want another “one time fee” and a big one at that. And to add insult to injury, I can not access the free gmail account promo or the gaps discounts.

This is ridiculous. What do I owe for this “upgrade”? I need this cleared up in 72 hours or you are losing a long time customer.


And I replied to that email to clarify the crazy message you sent. No response three months later. And apparently the promos and discounts are now gone.

This is ridiculous. What do I owe for this “upgrade”? I need this cleared up in 72 hours or you are losing a long time customer.


InSync Pricing Change History

Nox 2014

Sep 2015

October 2016

January 2017

I apologize for the delay in response. I have responded to your email.