I have been running iSync on an older Mac Pro with High Sierra MacOS 10.13.6
Currently running inSync
Insync window is showing completely blank, white. No options except ‘Quit’ available from menu bar icon so I may not be able to get in to the logs.
It does appear to be syncing ok as far as I can tell by monitoring the file changes using the Finder.
(I’m also experiencing the memory leak problem documented in another thread, but I do need a fix for this one first so I can see what inSync is doing!)
Hi @waldronjwf! I got your email and responded to ask what happens when you reinstall Insync 3.4.2 on your MacOS 10.13.6 machine. This is quite an odd behavior since we do support 10.13.6 on our current version. Let me know how it goes!
I have the running on Catalina and I still have this blank screen problem. I have reinstalled it but, still blank. Can’t tell if its doing anything or not … Are there any updates on this problem? The bug fix apparently isn’t working or doesn’t work on Catalina? It also usually exits after a little while … quietly.
Hmm, that’s strange. The fix on the blank screen was deployed on 3.4.1 Let me check this out with our engineers first and then I’ll advise you on what steps to take next.